Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Your 1st Week

Because you came so early in the morning we had you all Halloween. You were quiet and spent your time staring at mommy and daddy or sleeping. I was only able to get you to nurse 3 times in the whole day. I was very upset with this and was concerned I had done something wrong and wasn't going to be able to breastfeed. The next day you improved. After hardly eating all morning the lactation consultant gave us a nipple shield and then you were able to nurse.
Still, you had a 5% weight loss and so the nurses on staff kept offering formula. I refused because I knew that the breastmilk needed to be exclusive to coat your intestines so you would have less chance for allergies. Since my family has such a history of stomach problems I wanted to make sure I gave you a head start. While trying to get you to take the breast the nurses put a couple drops of formula on my nipple to try and encourage you, but you didn't care for it. I was upset this happened, I hope the few drops you received don't cause issues later on down the road.
The next day in the hospital you were weighed and were at an 8% weight loss. They made me feel like I was starving you because I wouldn't give you formula. According to everything I studied this weight loss was normal for a breastfed baby and since you were now eating more I continued to refuse.
Throughout your time at the hospital several people came by and visited you. Your aunt Jess and uncle Rob came down from Kansas City to see you. Aunt Katie also came; you were the first baby she ever held. Alysia came back with your godsister Kendra who was very excited to finally meet 'princess' Aurora. She colored you a picture of the princess with your name - Sleeping Beauty. Your grandpa and grandma Deiter came by again as well. On the other side of the family, your great-aunt Angie and great-uncle Mike came as well as great-grandpa Delmar and your grandma Julie. Obviously you are very popular already!
Mommy was glad to leave the hospital because she didn't want to be pushed to use formula or the nursery. I wanted you in my sight with me. I didn't try to have you for over a year, be pregnant for 9 months and then deliver you just to give you to strangers who just see you as a job. After we left the hospital I contacted Grace with La Leche to confirm I was doing the right thing with breastfeeding so that I knew for sure I was doing the right thing for you. After that we went and voted. Unfortunately, no one we voted for was elected. This happens in Kansas since daddy and I are somewhat liberal and Kansas is very conservative.
My milk finally came in late at night and I started feeding you as much as possible. It didn't show yet at the next day clinic though, you were at an 11% weight loss. I assured them my milk was in and thankfully we got a great doctor who understood breastfeeding and agreed things were good. We ended up choosing her as your doctor. After that things went great! The next day you were back to 8.8% weight loss and your bilirubin was down from 13.8 to 11.1. In two days we went back and you were at 2.8% weight loss and your bilirubin was at 7.4! You gained your weight back super fast and mommy and daddy were so proud!
Friday you lost your umbilical cord which was was earlier than norm, but you seem to be a bit ahead of the game anyway. You already have good head control and can roll over to your side from your back!  
You ended the week starting to be more alert and active. Apparently, the ibuprofen the nurses gave me caused you to be sleepy so when I learned this I stopped taking them. It upset me they didn't inform me of this before giving them to me as they knew I was breastfeeding :( Your eyes are turning more blue. Daddy thinks that they are going to turn into mommy's eyes and look sunflowery. We will see.

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