Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Birthdays and Thanksgiving

A lot has happened since I last wrote. Your daddy and I both had our birthdays. Grandma and grandpa watched you so dad could take me out to celebrate. The whole time I was worried about you. I wished we had brought you, but we were going to the symphony on campus and I was afraid you would catch something with it being flu season. You did just fine though. You slept on grandpa's lap the whole time.

Your aunt Jessica had her birthday in the same week as mommy and daddy, but the family all had different work schedules so we weren't able to meet up to celebrate until Thanksgiving. I always cook Thanksgiving dinner for the family so we woke up early that morning to drive to grandma and grandpa's house where we always had dinner. This was the longest car ride that you had ever been on, and as usual you were not too happy at first. But, with mommy sitting next to you in the car you calmed down and chilled for most of the car ride.

Once at the house you napped on daddy's chest for a bit, but I was worried you would fall off so I wrapped you up in the moby and took you in the kitchen to cook with me. It worked out wonderfully and eventually grandpa was up and hung out with you while I worked more on the dinner. Everything was going smoothly except for the fact that I was getting really tired really easy. That is, until it came down to the last hour of cooking. That is when the creams and gravies are being made and everything is getting ready for the table which means constant stirring and running back and forth from the dinning room to the living room. At that moment you decided it was time to eat. So, I sat down and got you latched on while daddy tried to help with dinner. Unfortunately, daddy doesn't know how to cream corn or make turkey gravy and was being kept busy enough carving the turkey and buttering the tops of the dinner rolls. So, I nursed you with one hand while finishing dinner with the other. I had to say, I am proud of us. That you are able to stay latched and eat and that I can multitask while doing so.

Of course, because I was eating you had to eat and you nursed throughout dinner despite warning from grandma that I shouldn't breastfeed in front of great-grandpa. He rolled with it just fine surprisingly and everything went well. Afterward, we took a nap in the living room while people socialized. I guess there was some disagreement over the safety of the moby wrap while we were asleep, but I am unconcerned. I know what we are doing is best for you, our baby. Not only does our parenting style work great with you, but it is backed up by science in many studies and by organizations.

We did go shopping with you on Black Friday in the afternoon and got your couple of gifts for Christmas along with gifts for your god-sister Kendra  and her brother Alek and your cousins Coryanna and Payton. After a lot of thought we couldn't decide what to do about Christmas decorating and since we aren't really into the holiday we haven't put anything up. It has got me thinking about what traditions we will have for you around this season. It is a hard topic to decide on. I know what we don't want-materialism, Santa lies...but what about what we do want. It is something I am going to think on more.

You have been growing up quickly. At your one month pics you straight up refused to pose like a baby, all curled up and adorable. Instead, you opted for sprawling out or doing a little upward facing dog yoga pose. It was pretty interesting, but it ended in super adorable photos! You are also sleeping mostly at night now, though you tend to push us off the bed as you try to snuggle so close you are basically under me. In your sleep your arm reaches out ever so often to feel me and reassure you I am there. It is adorable. During the day you demand constant entertainment. You fuss for tummy time or music or to walk around. You follow this by and period of calm and nursing before passing out completely in a milk-wasted sort of way. You look like a tiny drunk person to me. I know, I am horrible. I am glad you love tummy time so much and seem so determined to learn new things. It makes me happy to see you developing so well. And, you now to wide open, crazy smiles which are awesome. I think we are starting to get used to each other and get things down to where I am not a sleep needing zombie. Things are going good, which is good because I'll be back to work soon.

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