Sunday, December 12, 2010

Returning to Work

The other day I had just finished nursing you and was sitting in bed in the late morning. As the church bells outside played a song you laid their in a milk induced coma and I stared at you thinking about all the things about you that I loved. I listed them in my head: your little feet and toes, your smiles-even your sleeping smiles, the way you always seem to say 'ah' right when it would be appropriate to say 'yeah' (it's like you always have my back, lol). I love how you stretch oh so big when you are waking up and how in the night you will stretch out your legs to warm your toes on my tummy or stretch out and arm to make sure it is mommy that is next to you.

You are growing up so quickly right before my eyes! You are noticing the bells now too when they play and you are awake. You cock your ear towards the window to listen. This amazes me. You are so interested in sounds. The other day, grandma was standing behind the couch that we were sitting on. When she started talking you were so interested you used all the strength you had to climb up my chest and tried getting up on my shoulder to see what was going on back there. You get hiccups all the time and you aren't a fan. You would much prefer laying chest to chest with me or daddy. Sometimes when you do this I sigh just because I know it will make you sigh because you are copying my breathing.

All this time you have been doing well being held by other people and at sometimes even preferred daddy over me so I was only slightly concerned about how you would handle me returning to work. However, since I have been working on you spending more time with grandpa and me not being around you have become ridiculously attached. Maybe it was in there the whole time, I don't know. But, it is clear to me that you understand that your little world is changing and you do not like it. After being gone for a 3 1/2 hour work meeting you latched yourself to my breast and would not leave it for over an hour and a half! Even after that you just wanted to snuggle for the rest of the day. This is really unusual as your normally are a squirm worm who gets bored and needs to play all the time. That next day we slept in together and you were overjoyed! Once you finally woke up for the day and realized we were back to the old routine you were all smiles, squeaks, and coos.

This bothers me. I know that I cannot handle staying at home full-time. Not just financially, but for my own sanity. I just can't be the kind of person, it isn't in me which is funny since in highschool I thought the ultimate goal in life was to be able to be a stay at home mom. I wish you could be as attached to daddy as you were at the start since he will be home with you a lot. I am also starting to worry about you and the bottles. I am hoping that it goes smoothly and you don't start refusing to breastfeed. Daddy thinks this is a silly worry and he is probably right, but non the less. Thank goodness my body reacts well to the pump. I hear some people can't use a pump so I am counting my blessings there. And then there is my fear that you will be so upset with me for being gone all day that you will reject me all together. You have quite a personality so I wouldn't put it past you. I am so thankful that I will be working back into full time slowly so she can get used to it gradually.

In other news, your daddy and I have decided to switch you to all cloth, not just gdiapers. I worry about the chemicals in the regular diapers and also how much space they take up in landfields. Grandma and I took a trip to the fabric store and both enough to make a few pocket diapers to try it out. I am going to just use prefolds and the insert. You are moving right along development wise and I am trying to find a good way to track it all. Maybe part of this journal for you?

You are growing bored with daddy now. Looks like it is time for me to play.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Birthdays and Thanksgiving

A lot has happened since I last wrote. Your daddy and I both had our birthdays. Grandma and grandpa watched you so dad could take me out to celebrate. The whole time I was worried about you. I wished we had brought you, but we were going to the symphony on campus and I was afraid you would catch something with it being flu season. You did just fine though. You slept on grandpa's lap the whole time.

Your aunt Jessica had her birthday in the same week as mommy and daddy, but the family all had different work schedules so we weren't able to meet up to celebrate until Thanksgiving. I always cook Thanksgiving dinner for the family so we woke up early that morning to drive to grandma and grandpa's house where we always had dinner. This was the longest car ride that you had ever been on, and as usual you were not too happy at first. But, with mommy sitting next to you in the car you calmed down and chilled for most of the car ride.

Once at the house you napped on daddy's chest for a bit, but I was worried you would fall off so I wrapped you up in the moby and took you in the kitchen to cook with me. It worked out wonderfully and eventually grandpa was up and hung out with you while I worked more on the dinner. Everything was going smoothly except for the fact that I was getting really tired really easy. That is, until it came down to the last hour of cooking. That is when the creams and gravies are being made and everything is getting ready for the table which means constant stirring and running back and forth from the dinning room to the living room. At that moment you decided it was time to eat. So, I sat down and got you latched on while daddy tried to help with dinner. Unfortunately, daddy doesn't know how to cream corn or make turkey gravy and was being kept busy enough carving the turkey and buttering the tops of the dinner rolls. So, I nursed you with one hand while finishing dinner with the other. I had to say, I am proud of us. That you are able to stay latched and eat and that I can multitask while doing so.

Of course, because I was eating you had to eat and you nursed throughout dinner despite warning from grandma that I shouldn't breastfeed in front of great-grandpa. He rolled with it just fine surprisingly and everything went well. Afterward, we took a nap in the living room while people socialized. I guess there was some disagreement over the safety of the moby wrap while we were asleep, but I am unconcerned. I know what we are doing is best for you, our baby. Not only does our parenting style work great with you, but it is backed up by science in many studies and by organizations.

We did go shopping with you on Black Friday in the afternoon and got your couple of gifts for Christmas along with gifts for your god-sister Kendra  and her brother Alek and your cousins Coryanna and Payton. After a lot of thought we couldn't decide what to do about Christmas decorating and since we aren't really into the holiday we haven't put anything up. It has got me thinking about what traditions we will have for you around this season. It is a hard topic to decide on. I know what we don't want-materialism, Santa lies...but what about what we do want. It is something I am going to think on more.

You have been growing up quickly. At your one month pics you straight up refused to pose like a baby, all curled up and adorable. Instead, you opted for sprawling out or doing a little upward facing dog yoga pose. It was pretty interesting, but it ended in super adorable photos! You are also sleeping mostly at night now, though you tend to push us off the bed as you try to snuggle so close you are basically under me. In your sleep your arm reaches out ever so often to feel me and reassure you I am there. It is adorable. During the day you demand constant entertainment. You fuss for tummy time or music or to walk around. You follow this by and period of calm and nursing before passing out completely in a milk-wasted sort of way. You look like a tiny drunk person to me. I know, I am horrible. I am glad you love tummy time so much and seem so determined to learn new things. It makes me happy to see you developing so well. And, you now to wide open, crazy smiles which are awesome. I think we are starting to get used to each other and get things down to where I am not a sleep needing zombie. Things are going good, which is good because I'll be back to work soon.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Your 1st Week

Because you came so early in the morning we had you all Halloween. You were quiet and spent your time staring at mommy and daddy or sleeping. I was only able to get you to nurse 3 times in the whole day. I was very upset with this and was concerned I had done something wrong and wasn't going to be able to breastfeed. The next day you improved. After hardly eating all morning the lactation consultant gave us a nipple shield and then you were able to nurse.
Still, you had a 5% weight loss and so the nurses on staff kept offering formula. I refused because I knew that the breastmilk needed to be exclusive to coat your intestines so you would have less chance for allergies. Since my family has such a history of stomach problems I wanted to make sure I gave you a head start. While trying to get you to take the breast the nurses put a couple drops of formula on my nipple to try and encourage you, but you didn't care for it. I was upset this happened, I hope the few drops you received don't cause issues later on down the road.
The next day in the hospital you were weighed and were at an 8% weight loss. They made me feel like I was starving you because I wouldn't give you formula. According to everything I studied this weight loss was normal for a breastfed baby and since you were now eating more I continued to refuse.
Throughout your time at the hospital several people came by and visited you. Your aunt Jess and uncle Rob came down from Kansas City to see you. Aunt Katie also came; you were the first baby she ever held. Alysia came back with your godsister Kendra who was very excited to finally meet 'princess' Aurora. She colored you a picture of the princess with your name - Sleeping Beauty. Your grandpa and grandma Deiter came by again as well. On the other side of the family, your great-aunt Angie and great-uncle Mike came as well as great-grandpa Delmar and your grandma Julie. Obviously you are very popular already!
Mommy was glad to leave the hospital because she didn't want to be pushed to use formula or the nursery. I wanted you in my sight with me. I didn't try to have you for over a year, be pregnant for 9 months and then deliver you just to give you to strangers who just see you as a job. After we left the hospital I contacted Grace with La Leche to confirm I was doing the right thing with breastfeeding so that I knew for sure I was doing the right thing for you. After that we went and voted. Unfortunately, no one we voted for was elected. This happens in Kansas since daddy and I are somewhat liberal and Kansas is very conservative.
My milk finally came in late at night and I started feeding you as much as possible. It didn't show yet at the next day clinic though, you were at an 11% weight loss. I assured them my milk was in and thankfully we got a great doctor who understood breastfeeding and agreed things were good. We ended up choosing her as your doctor. After that things went great! The next day you were back to 8.8% weight loss and your bilirubin was down from 13.8 to 11.1. In two days we went back and you were at 2.8% weight loss and your bilirubin was at 7.4! You gained your weight back super fast and mommy and daddy were so proud!
Friday you lost your umbilical cord which was was earlier than norm, but you seem to be a bit ahead of the game anyway. You already have good head control and can roll over to your side from your back!  
You ended the week starting to be more alert and active. Apparently, the ibuprofen the nurses gave me caused you to be sleepy so when I learned this I stopped taking them. It upset me they didn't inform me of this before giving them to me as they knew I was breastfeeding :( Your eyes are turning more blue. Daddy thinks that they are going to turn into mommy's eyes and look sunflowery. We will see.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We had been waiting days for you do decide it was time to make your arrival. The midwife suggested scheduling an induction but I wanted to wait it out one more week before discussing that option even though I was just dying to see you! Daddy and I tried everything to encourage you to hurry along. He drug me all around the mall, Barnes and Noble, the neighborhood, anywhere that I could walk. We tried spicy food, Chinese food, and even Godfather's pizza at the suggestion of one of Daddy's co-workers. Just google natural ways to induce and we most likely tried it, but you weren't having any of it.
Thursday I started feeling sick at work. Nasuea and cramping. It wasn't fun, but it was exciting to think you might be coming. I left early, but the evening and night came and went and no you. Friday I awoke feeling the same and I called into work thinking I might go into labor and so need some rest. Friday night I have constant cramps so at 2 am we headed to the hospital to see what was up. After being monitored til 6 am we were sent home. I was so tired from staying up all night for nothing and we crawled into bed and passed out.
There wasn't much sleep for me to have however. At 8am I started getting woke up every 15 minutes with a contraction. These were the first contractions I had ever had that I couldn't sleep through, even during the preterm labor issues we were having earlier. I tried to sleep in the 15 minute breaks for a hour or so and then gave up and got ready for the day. By the time you daddy got up and ready for the day it was lunch time and I was still only have contractions every 15 minutes so we went out to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. At 1:00pm there I started having contractions every 5 minutes. It was so crowded there because everyone was watching the game and I was so afraid my water was going to break then and there and cause a huge scene. Little did I know that wasn't going to happen for quite some time. I left your daddy to get the check and pay and slowly made my way outside to the car where I paced and waited for your daddy to meet me.
I had a strong urge to be at home so that is where we went. Grandma came over and we walked up and down the street, stopping with each contraction. I was timing them trying to make sure they were close together. Once I got tired I came in and sat in the living room with daddy and waited. Daddy went and got me some Baskin Robbins to help. That evening my back started hurting constantly on top of the contractions. It was the start of dreaded back labor and I wasn't having it. I tried stretches which only made it worse. Daddy tried a heat pack and it helped so much, but there was no denying, it was time to go to the hospital.
Daddy was nervous because he didn't want to get his hopes up that you were coming just to be sent home again. He was so ready to meet you. We got to the hospital where we slowly walked the area around the birthing unit to make sure that contractions were good and hard before going in. Eventually, we had to sit in the waiting room for a bit as I couldn't walk much anymore. Then we called them and said we were here and went in.
They hooked me up to the monitors and we heard your lovely heart beat. They checked me and I was only at a 2-3 and 100% effaced. It quickly picked up though in intensity. I could no longer sit in the bed because it was so painful. I sat on the birthing ball with my head on the end of the bed and daddy and grandma beside me. Daddy was so helpful and calming. I don't think I could have even made it to the hospital though the contractions without him. You dad is such a nurturing person; we are lucky to have him.
After hours of labor though I couldn't handle it in bed, walking, standing, or on the ball so it was time to try the whirlpool. I had dreamed of this wonderful whirlpool for months and had high expectations. However, it did not help at all. In fact as soon as it turned on my contractions got a million times worse. Although I hadn't ate since lunch clear back at 1pm I was so nauseous I started throwing up while in the whirlpool which only made the contractions worse. The room spun and with each one I didn't think I could make it through. I told Matt he could shoot me in the arm and it would hurt so much less than the pain I was currently feeling. I needed something. He tried to work with me some more, but with each contraction getting worse I broke down and begged him to get me something to help. He got the nurse who said we could take something to take the edge of. She said it would make a 10 feel like a 6. I thought that would make things manageable so I consented.
Once I finally was able to make it back to the bed they put it in an IV. I felt sleepy from it for a moment and that was it. It didn't help at all. Then the nurse explained it just relaxed you so you wouldn't care as much. Stupid, I thought. I had meditation for that. It was not my relaxation that was the issue! I was so tired at this point and started going in and out of consciousness. I don't know how long that went on, I just remember thinking I was so exhausted that I wasn't going to be able to push at the end and they would end up doing a c-section. I was so afraid of this happening. I knew I needed to rest. I asked daddy for the epidural. Daddy tried to work with me I think but I was crying and in and out of it. It had been 10 hours of labor at this point on only 2 hours of sleep and no food.
I had to wait for them to be able to do the epidural because someone was having heart surgery at the time. When they finally got it in they said it would take 10-15 minutes to kick in, but it kicked in instantly. I think because my body is so unused to drugs of any kind. I couldn't feel the contractions at all. I had them turn up the heat beat monitor on you so I could hear you and be comforted that you were still doing alright in there. Finally, I was able to sleep some and rest for the pushing. By then lots of people where at the hospital waiting on you to come. Alysia and grandpa were in the room as well now. Laura had been in the room when I was at my worst, but I can't remember much of that. Cody and Bailea, Mike and Angie, and many more were in the waiting room for you. But, you were taking your time.
After several more hours of laboring I was at a nine and the nurses started watching me more closely. I stayed at a 9 for 2 hours. At this point my water had still not broke. The nurses started asking if when Kim, the midwife, go there if she could break my water even though it was against my birth plan. I felt at 9cm it was ok so I said yes. We didn't have to worry about it though because as the nurse checked me to see if I had made process it broke all over her! She was surprised for sure. Then, the midwife got there and checked and said it was time to push. Thankfully I could move my legs and feel down there, I just couldn't feel the contractions so I was able to push well. I push for a hour with daddy beside me, so excited. I started getting nervous to meet you and know everything about you was ok. Daddy looked so happy it made me tear up. Then, daddy saw the top of your head and started crying with joy. They let me feel your head and it was full of hair. I was so ready to hold you. I only had to push for an hour total and you were here!
I was so surprised because you came out pink and crying unlike all the births I watched to prep me for delivering in which the baby came out blue and still at first. They put you on my chest and let the umbilical cord stop pulsating before clamping and letting daddy cut the cord. I was busy drying you off and loving you. You bobbed around to breast feed but had a hard time latching on, something we had to work on together for days after your birth.
You were 7lbs 3oz and 20 1/2" long, born October 31, 2010 at 8:57am and you scored all 9s on your APGAR. After 19 hours of active labor we finally had our perfect baby girl!